
A girls' high school founded on a clear vision

Mabel Annie Hodge had a strong vision – to create a girls’ high school where the head, heart and hands are engaged to best prepare young women for the brightest possible future. Woodford House was founded on this basis to provide a first-class education that truly reveals the unique potential of each girl. More than 127 years later, this tradition proudly continues.

If you would like more information about our school, click on the links below.

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Woodford House, a shining light amongst Hawke's Bay High Schools. Warm greetings to you and your family...

Our Story

Woodford House is a Special Character New Zealand high school. As an Anglican community founded on Christian principles and values...

Our Strategic Plan 2020-23

As an Anglican community founded on Christian principles and values, our Special Character education shapes the head, heart...


Woodford House is guided by outstanding teaching leadership including Principal Mrs Julie Peterson and Deputy Principals...


Girls secondary school vacancies at a school like Woodford House are a wonderful opportunity. Woodford House believes that its staff...

The board of trustees boardroom


Woodford House is governed by a strong and balanced Board of Proprietors and Board of Trustees...


Our school publications include the Tempus magazine, which is published once a year and contains stories about all aspects of school life...


The latest from Woodford House girls' school. Here you will find the latest news and stories from Woodford House girls' school...


Woodford House has a range of events at our New Zealand high school for girls, including our annual Open Day, sports...


To Excellence

Pre-Enrol at

Woodford House

Click here to register your interest and place your daughter’s name on the pre-enrolment list for Woodford House