Join us to celebrate the book launch by Di Morris.
Parents & caregivers are invited to join an information session on NCEA and the Year 11 Diploma on Friday 27 September. Register now.
Parents & caregivers are invited to join an information session with Digital Citizen expert, John Parsons on Wednesday 25 September. Register now.
Sun 18 & 19 August
Congratulations to our performers who represented Woodford House in the Solo, Duo and Group dance competitions at DanceNZmade on 18 & 19 August.
On Wednesday 31July we held our 2024 Music Cup. It was a wonderful day to celebrate the musical talents of our girls.
We are holding Community Events during August in Taupo, Gisborne and Havelock North. We encourage our current parents and caregivers to attend one in their local area.
Click here to register your interest and place your daughter’s name on the pre-enrolment list for Woodford House