Congratulations to our girls on their 2023 NCEA Results.
We invite parent volunteers to join our Friends of Boarding group by 9 February 2024.
On Wednesday 6 December 2023, we held our Junior Prizegiving to recognise the incredible achievements of our girls across our cornerstones.
Monday 4 December
We would like to invite parents and caregivers of our Year 8 girls to join us for Graduation Breakfast on Monday 4 December at 8.30am.
On Wednesday 1 November 2023, we held our Senior Prizegiving to celebrate student achievement and to farewell our leavers, as we mark the end of another outstanding year at Woodford House.
On Tuesday 31 October 2023, we held our Senior Final Assembly to recognise the achievements of our students in the areas of cultural, sporting, academic and citizenship.
Click here to register your interest and place your daughter’s name on the pre-enrolment list for Woodford House